Jordan 7 Day Itinerary

The Perfect Jordan 7 Day Itinerary to see Jordan's best-loved landmarks. You'll bask in the beauty of the Dead Sea, take in panoramic views from the temples of Petra, and camp in Wadi Rum's desert wilderness, finally returning home with a satisfying

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The Perfect Jordan 7 Day Itinerary to see Jordan's best-loved landmarks. You'll bask in the beauty of the Dead Sea, take in panoramic views from the temples of Petra, and camp in Wadi Rum's desert wilderness, finally returning home with a satisfying slice of the country's rich heritage

Day 1-Arrival to Amman

Once your flight touches down at Queen Alia International Airport (QAIA), you'll be driven to your hotel in Amman to relax and get settled. Depending on the time of your arrival, you may be able to start exploring the city. Visit the massive King Abdullah Mosque, get acquainted with the shops and galleries in the Jebal Al-Waibdeh neighborhood, and celebrate your first night of travel with a plate of mansaf, aromatic roasted lamb with yogurt sauce - it happens to be Jordan's national dish!- Overnignt in Amman

Day 2: Jerash & Dead Sea

Pick up from Your hotel in Amman and drive for a 45-minute to Jerash.Jerash is a city 52km north of Amman,where a huge Roman archaeological site can be found.the archaeological site of Jerash is located in the middle of the modern city of Jerash .Jerash was a prosperous city until the mid-eighth century when a huge earthquake destroyed large parts of it.The main areas of ancient Jerash that you should visit include the Amphipheatre, the temple of Zeus, the temple of Artemis, Hadrian’s Arch and the Forum.Lunch will be served in Jerash then Drive  88km from Jerash to the Dead Sea and it will take you at least 1 hour and 45 minutes to drive there, The Dead Sea is a salt lake that is 430m below sea level, the lowest point on dry land on Earth. It has a salinity of 34.2%, which is 10 times saltier than the ocean and the 7thsaltiest lake in the world. Take a dip in the sea with floating in the Dead Sea with a book in hand After floating around in the Dead Sea enjoy the sunset then Drive to  Madaba for overnight

Day 3-Kerak & Little Petra

Today we will Drive from Madaba for 213km to Wadi Musa  3 hours of driving. with stop at Kerak Castle.

Kerak Castle is one of the largest crusader castles in the Middle East and it sits on top of a hill with epic views of the surrounding landscape. The castle is very well preserved and you can explore the various rooms, tunnels and all the internal and external areas of the castle.Lunch will be served near  Kerak Castlebefore heading on to Little Petra.Little Petra is located just before Wadi Musa, and it’s the perfect site to visit prior to seeing Petra. It’s lso known as Siq el-Barid and it’s a Nabataen archaeological site, with buildings carved into the walls of the canyons.It’s a much smaller site than Petra and while the buildings are less elaborate walk through to the canyon and past the buildings, to a small rocky platform that overlooked the rocks and canyons.From here you need to climb a bit over some rocks to reach a beautiful viewpoint where you can wait for the sunset. After Little Petra .Check in at the hotel in  wadi Musa to shower and chill a bit, we had an early dinner in town and went straight back out to see Petra by Night.- Overnight in wadi Musa

Petra by Night is a show that is on every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 20:30 to 22:30.

During Petra by Night they light 1,500 candles all along the Siq and in front of the Treasury, where they play live music, serve complimentary tea and tell stories of the place.

Day 4- Petra

After Breakfast in Your hotel check out and  Visit Petra, Petra is one of the most famous attractions in Jordan .Petra is a 60 squared kilometre archaeological site, where stunning Roman and Nabataean ruins can be found on a red rock and canyon backdrop.The Treasury and Monastery of Petra, with their well-preserved facades built into the rock are amongst the most iconic locations in Petra. Visit the Siq, the Treasury (both from below and the viewpoints above), the Royal Tombs, the theatre, the Colonnade and the Monastery. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes and to bring water and snacks with you! Overnight in Petra

Day 5-Wadi Rum

After breakfast, check out and drive for 112 km 2 hours of driving  to Wadi Rum.You will meet your  Safari tour guide with open back 4×4 jeeps.Enjoy afternoon  Safari tour discover  the Wadi Rum desert.The Wadi Rum desert is huge, but most tours will take you to see all the same main attractions. These include; the red sand dunes, Lawrence’s spring, the Khazali canyon, the house of Lawrence, Abu Khashaba canyon and Um Frouth Arch. You won’t easily forget the natural beauty of the canyons, arches and views you will see today. It’s easy to see why the movie The Martian was filmed here! The viewpoints at Lawrence’s spring and house aren’t well marked so you need to do a big of climbing to reach them, but they’re well worth it! watch the sinking sun turn the rocks and sand around us even more red. After the sunset the Guide will  drive you to the camp, where You will have your  dinner in the big communal tent  with the traditional Bedouin dinner  and dancee traditional dances. on a clear night sky you will see the most incredible stars.Overnight in the Camp


Day 6: wadi Rum to Aqaba

After Breakfast inWadi Rum Camp, Then drive from the Wadi Rum desert to Aqaba is only 70km and will take around 1 hour.check in in Aqaba then drop off your bags, change into a swimsuit and you’re ready for the beach and the Red Sea!

Day 7- International departure

Dependent on your departure time, the driver meets you in the hotel lobby and takes you 4 hours to Amman Airport to say goodbye and board your flight.

Have a look at Best Time To Visit Jordan


  • Meet & assist upon arrival at Amman Airport.
  •  Entrance fees to mentioned sites.
  •  3 hours jeep ride with Bedouin driver in Wadi Rum.
  •  English speaking spot guide in Petra (2.5 hours).
  •  English speaking spot guide in Jerash (1 hour).
  •  1 night1 at hotel with breakfast in Amman.
  •  1 night1 at hotel with breakfast in Madaba
  •  1 night at Camp in Wadi Rum.
  • 2 nights in Petra
  • 1 night in Aqaba
  •  1 airport transfer upon departure.
  •  1 airport transfer upon arrival.
  •  Transportation in private, A/C, new vehicle with English speaking driver.
  •  Complimentary Wi-Fi and bottled water onboard.


  •  Airfare. 
  •   Travel insurance.  
  •   Entry visa Jordan (free of charge possible). 
  •   Meals and beverage not stated.  
  •   Tips, portage and personal expenses. 

Please remember to bring:

  • Passports
  • Hat
  • Sunglasses


Jordan 7 Day Itinerary

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