2 Day Trip to Cairo and Alexanderia from Alexanderia Port

Enjoy a 2-day private tour to Cairo and Alexandria from Alexandria Port and join a private Egyptologist tour guide to visit the most famous sites of Cairo and Alexandria.

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Day1- Alexanderia Port to Cairo:

In the morning at 07:00 am, our representative will pick you up on your cruise at Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria Port and enjoy 2 days of tours of Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria from Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria Port. Upon your arrival at Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria Port,you will meet you Egyptologist guide who will accompany you to discover the history of Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs in one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Visit The Pyramids of Giza (Cheops,Chephren and Mykerinus)Then proceed to visit the Great the Great Sphinx is one of the world's largest monuments. It is also one of the most recognizable relics of the ancient Egyptians. Sphinx , which dates back to the time, and visit  the Valley Temple .

Lunch will be served during the Pyramids at the local restaurant 

Then visit the Egyptian Museum

The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Tahir

It exhibits a rare collection of over 250,000 genuine artifacts that date as far back as 5000 years, including an exclusive exhibit dedicated to the Tutankhamen - A collection of treasures, gold and jewelry that were buried in his tomb for over 3,500 years before they were discovered in 1920 when his tomb was excavated.

If you wish to visit the royal Mummies. You need to ask the tour guide to take the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization and you pay for this. It will cost 40 $ Extra per person

The New Grand museum:is not officially open yet. It will be opened officially by the end of  2023.but if you wish to visit it we offer limited tours to test site readiness and the visitor experience ahead of the official opening. Access is scurrently limited to the Grand Hall, commercial area, and exterior gardens. All other interior paces, including access to the galleries and collections, are restricted until the official opening.

Optional trip to The sound and the light show at Giza Pyramids and it costs 40 $ Per person
With the Sound Light Show at the Giza pyramids, the pharaonic history is being re-told by the sphinx, unraveling the ancient secrets and mysterious tales. The Sound and Light show at the pyramids narrates the history of those great kings; Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. Overnight in the Hotel Cairo  

Overnight in Cairo

Day 2-Cairo-Alexanderia:

After breakfast we will drive to Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria , it takes a 2h30 driving minutes, you will visit Kom el Shokafa Catacomb

The Catacombs Kom el Shoqafa :

Archaeologists believe that the catacomb of Kom el Shoqafa was started in the 2nd century A.D. and was used to intern the dead for the next 200 years. this was a period in the history of the city of   Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria  when there was a great mixture of different cultures. Of course, there was the ancient history of the great Egyptian kingdoms which went back thousands of years Pompey's Pillar, The citadel of Qaitbay located in the island of pharos in Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria city was built on the old lighthouse location after it was destroyed by the earthquake. Citadel of Qeitbay , Lunch will be served in a seafood restaurant, then you will finish your visit with a visit: - Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria Library' href='../travel-blog/ Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria -Library.php' > Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria Library' style='background-image: url(../images/blog_thumbnail/ Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria -Library.jpg);position:Prelative' > Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria Library' > The Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria Library is an incredible destination that seamlessly blends history and modern knowledge. Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria Library Then transfer to Cruise in Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria .

The Citadel of Sultan Qeitbay:

The Citadel was built in the 15th Century by the Mamlouk Sultan Qeitbay, To Guard the city against the threat of Crusaders, This wonderful Islamic Monument was built by the use of the ruins of the old Lighthouse that was constructed by Ptolemy 11 in the 3rd Century A.c. The Lighthouse was damaged during an Earthquake that Occurred in Egypt in 1303 A.c during the reign of the Mamlouk King Qeitbay
Pompey Pillar:

Has nothing to do with Pompey. The story behind the name refers to the possible burial ground of the Roman general when he fled to Egypt and was assassinated after losing a major battle in Greece against Caesar. The red granite column was probably built to honor Emperor Diocletian. Today it stands 25 meters high and is the tallest ancient monument in   Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria
lunch in Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria :

Lunch in   Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria  in Egyptian Restaurant

the new Library of Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria

The Library of Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria was reborn in October 2002 to reclaim the mantle of its ancient namesake. It is not just an extraordinarily beautiful building; it is also a vast complex where the arts, history, philosophy, and science come together. Moreover, the myriad activities it offers have made it a place for open discussion, dialogue, and understanding.Then Transfer to your cruise in Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria Port


  • Pick up the services of your Cruise and back.
  • All transfers in private air-conditioned vehicle.
  • Private speaking guide throughout your visits.
  • Entrance fees to all sites in Cairo and Alexandria.
  • 2 Lunch during your travels.
  • Mineral water and soft drink on board the vehicle.
  • One night accommodation in Cairo at  hotel with breakfast All service charges and taxes.


  • Dinner in Cairo Drinks in restaurants
  • Personal costs 

Please remember to bring:

  • Dinner in Cairo Drinks in restaurants
  • Personal costs 


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