Things to do in Fayoum

Things to do in Fayoum | Egypt Tour Packages

Hagar Asal

Department of Civilization and History

  • 05 Mar, 2024

Things to do in Fayoum

Fayoum Oasis,situated 100 KM southwest of Cairo, is a stunning and diverse destination in Egypt. With its abundance of ancient treasures and captivating charm, it has long been a popular retreat for local tourists. The ecosystem in Fayoum, located on the Nile Delta, is vibrant and teeming with life. Thanks to its pleasant weather, it attracts visitors throughout the year, offering a perfect getaway for both city dwellers and travelers. Whether you seek knowledge or simply wish to relax and savor delicious Egyptian cuisine, Fayoum caters to all.

Wadi El Hitan National Park

  • Wadi Elhitan

Explore the wonders of the desert at this UNESCO World Heritage Site, where you can discover the earliest prehistoric whale fossils ever found. Over 400 skeletons of basilosaurus and dorodontus, ancient water predators, have been unearthed here and are approximately 40 million years old. These fossils clearly demonstrate the evolution of land-based mammals into sea creatures, as they possess remnants of front and back legs. The desert sands are also adorned with the remains of manatees and large bony fish, creating a unique contrast in this vast landscape. Additionally, the valley boasts a variety of rock formations that have been shaped by water and air over time, resulting in captivating patterns and structures. As a bonus, the Whales Valley serves as a picturesque campsite, offering amenities such as toilets and camping facilities.

Wadi Rayan National Park

  • Wadi El rayan

This nature reserve is a favorite spot for bird watchers and sand boarding enthusiasts. It is home to beautiful waterfalls and a rare species of gazelle called the slender-horned gazelle. The reserve is made up of upper and lower lakes connected by waterfalls, which are the largest in Egypt. It is located 65 KM southwest of Fayoum and is surrounded by lovely springs and sand dunes.

Tunis Village

  • Tunis Village

Tunis Village is the perfect choice for a quick weekend getaway. Located in El Fayoum, this hidden gem allows you to escape the busy city life and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. Situated in the oasis of Fayoum, on the way to Wadi Rayan, Tunis Village offers a breathtaking view of the desert from its hilltop position overlooking a large saltwater lake. It is truly one of the most stunning places in Egypt. Previously, Tunis was a little-known farming and fishing community on the southern shore of Lake Qaroun. However, it has its own unique charm - a small, incredibly beautiful, and surprisingly peaceful village. In the 1980s, a Swiss potter named Evelyn Porret discovered Tunis during her visit to Fayoum with her Egyptian friends. Captivated by its beauty, she decided to build her own country house and pottery workshop there.

Magic lake Fayoum

  • Swimming in magic Lake

Nestled among sand dunes, rock formations, and the Mudawara Mountain, this extraordinary lake is a favorite destination in Fayoum. Known as magic Lake due to its ever-changing water colors, it offers a delightful swimming experience amidst the desert landscape. Situated in Wadi El Hitan, the area around Enchanted Lake is also well-loved for camping and sandboarding.

Medinet Madi

Medinet Madi is an extraordinary site that preserves the ruins of an ancient town called Dja during the Middle Kingdom and Narmuthis in the Ptolemaic and Roman eras. In Narmuthis, a temple dedicated to the cobra goddess Renenutet was constructed during the reigns of Amenemhat III and Amenemhat IV. Additionally, Medinet Madi houses the remains of two other temples believed to be devoted to the gods Sobek and Horus.

Petrified Forest Fayoum Protectorate

  • The Petrified Forest in Fayoum

The Petrified Forest in Fayoum, North of Lake Qarun, is a large forest with fossilized trees from over 30 million years ago. The area has well-preserved fossils of trees up to 30 meters tall and a variety of other fossils.

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