White desert

White Desert National Park | Egypt Tour Packages

Hagar Asal

Department of Civilization and History

  • 03 Apr, 2024

Best tips to visit White Desert

days do you need in the White Desert
It is suggested to spend at least two days for a basic tour of the White Desert, but a more extensive tour can last up to four days. In a two-day tour, you can visit popular sites like Mushroom Rock and Crystal Mountain, and camp under the stars. A three-day tour would also include the Black Desert, Magic Spring, and El-Salama sand dunes. Four-day tours cover Bahariya Oasis hot springs and Qasr el Farafra city.

The best time to visit
When is the ideal time to go? The best time to visit the White Desert in Egypt is from October to April. The weather is pleasant during this period, with daytime temperatures ranging from 20°C to 30°C. Nights are cool, with temperatures dropping to around 10°C. There is also minimal rainfall, ensuring clear skies and abundant sunshine. However, it's important to note that the White Desert can get quite cold at night, particularly in December and January. Therefore, if you plan to visit during these months, make sure to pack warm clothing.

why is the white desert special

Long ago, the White Desert was under the sea, with layers of rock made by sea creatures when the water disappeared. It used to be home to many herds of animals like elephants, giraffes, and gazelles. The desert was once a savannah with green areas and lakes full of fish, perfect for hunting. The landscape we see now was shaped by the plateau breaking down, leaving behind hard rock formations as wind and sand eroded the softer parts. Some areas still have chalk surfaces that look like ripples on water.

Camping in the White Desert

Camping in the White Desert is a truly unique experience. This desert in Egypt is famous for its stunning white chalk rock formations, which have been shaped by the wind into incredible shapes. It's a popular destination for tourists who want to enjoy the beauty of this otherworldly landscape. Campers can set up their tents in designated areas and take part in activities like hiking, stargazing, and exploring the unique surroundings. There is also a luxury camp in Antarctica called the White Desert, which offers environmentally friendly and luxurious accommodations, as well as exciting adventure activities. One of the highlights of the White Desert is the opportunity to camp under the stars. Spending a couple of nights in a hotel here is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that should not be missed. Just imagine lying in your sleeping bag, gazing up at the stars, and feeling the tranquility of the desert. As the sun slowly moves across the sky, you'll be treated to the most breathtaking views.

Best tips for visiting the White Desert

  • The best tips for visiting the White Desert

1.Capture a picture of Jebel Izaz The Crystal Mountain (Jebel Izaz) is a small hill with glittering calcite crystal formations around a small arch. It's a must-see spot on the way from Bahariya to Farafra.
2. Explore the Valley of the Golden Mummies Discovered accidentally in 1996, the Valley of the Golden Mummies revealed four tombs with over 100 mummies dating back to the Roman period. More tombs have been uncovered, with an estimated 10,000 mummies in a necropolis covering about 36 sq km.
3.Discover Mushroom Rock This unique rock formation resembling a giant mushroom is a popular attraction in the White Desert. Erosion and sandstorms have shaped this striking calcium rock formation.
4.Explore the Black Desert Traveling north from the White Desert, you'll find the mysterious Black Desert, closer to Bahariya than Farafra - around 50 km south of Bawiti. The mountains here have eroded over time, covering the desert with black powder and rocks, giving it a unique name. At the edge of the Black Desert, you'll encounter black volcanic hills that erupted long ago, spewing out dolerite, a dark volcanic material that forms the black rocks in the area. Don't miss climbing up English Mountain, the highest point in the Black Desert, for a stunning panoramic view of the surreal landscape.
5.Discover the Enchanted Spring During Roman times, the Magic Spring (Ain El Serw) was a popular resting spot for travelers and their camels crossing the harsh desert terrain. Legend has it that the water tubs would mysteriously fill up as visitors arrived and empty as they left.

Best places to stay in White Desert

Best places to stay in White Desert
Top accommodations in the White Desert Most visitors to the White Desert book organized tours with pre-arranged accommodation. Independent travelers can stay in Bawiti near Bahariya Oasis or Qasr Al Farafra near Farafra Oasis for convenient access to the White Desert. Bawiti offers a variety of lodging options in town and on the outskirts, while Qasr Al Farafra has fewer hotels but still provides guesthouses and simple accommodations for travelers.

Best tips to visit White Desert

days do you need in the White Desert
It is suggested to spend at least two days for a basic tour of the White Desert, but a more extensive tour can last up to four days. In a two-day tour, you can visit popular sites like Mushroom Rock and Crystal Mountain, and camp under the stars. A three-day tour would also include the Black Desert, Magic Spring, and El-Salama sand dunes. Four-day tours cover Bahariya Oasis hot springs and Qasr el Farafra city.

The best time to visit
When is the ideal time to go? The best time to visit the White Desert in Egypt is from October to April. The weather is pleasant during this period, with daytime temperatures ranging from 20°C to 30°C. Nights are cool, with temperatures dropping to around 10°C. There is also minimal rainfall, ensuring clear skies and abundant sunshine. However, it's important to note that the White Desert can get quite cold at night, particularly in December and January. Therefore, if you plan to visit during these months, make sure to pack warm clothing.

How to get there

There are various ways to travel around. The easiest way is to have a car, but there are other options available.
1. By Bus: Regular buses operate between Cairo and Farafra, the nearest town to the White Desert. The journey takes approximately 10 hours, and the buses are comfortable and reliable.
2. By Train: There is a train service between Cairo and Farafra, but it is not very frequent. The journey can take up to 11 hours, so it may not be the most convenient choice.
3. By Car: Renting a car and driving to the White Desert is a popular option. It allows you to explore the area at your own pace. The journey from Cairo takes around 6 hours, and you can also visit other attractions like the Bahariya Oasis along the way.

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