Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Sakha

Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Sakha | Holy Family in Egypt

Ziad khalifa

Department of Civilization and History

  • 17 Dec, 2023

Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Sakha

A large church that is considered one of the oldest churches in Egypt, located in the Sakha neighborhood of Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate. It witnessed the Holy Family staying there for about 7 days and Christ imprinted his “foot” inside it, and his footprint is still present on a stone among the church’s belongings. 

The establishment of the Church of the Virgin Mary in “Sakha” dates back to the fourth century AD, and it was restored in the eleventh century by order of the Fatimid Caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah. In the sixteenth century, the church was demolished and remained dilapidated until Muhammad Ali Pasha ordered its rebuilding in 1846 AD while preserving its preservation. Its archaeological character and the preservation of the remaining archaeological parts of it, and in 1968 the nave of the church was rebuilt.

Virgin Mary Church in Sakha

The Church of the Virgin Mary in Sakha is considered one of the oldest churches in Egypt, in addition to being a beautiful architectural masterpiece. When Christianity spread, the Church of the Virgin Mary was built in Sakha in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate. The church was built on the site of a monastery that was called the Monastery of the Baptism because it was submerged in water. It contains the remains of one of the ancient columns, which is a stone crown with the word “God” written on its back. He hid the stone for a long time for fear of destroying it by burying it underground. It was discovered during excavation in 1984. In the church there is a cup designated for communion, and a tray made of silver. A candlestick made of silver, in addition to a number of rare antique collectibles dating back to the 19th century AD. 

The Holy Family came from Palestine to Egypt, via the Al-Arish Road, and they continued to Babylon or ancient Egypt, then they moved towards Upper Egypt and hid there for a while, then they returned to the north, passing through Wadi Al-Natroun, crossing the Delta, passing through Sakha, then continuing their return route through Sinai to Palestine.

Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Sakha archeological

A stone bearing the footprint of Jesus Christ, from the first century AD in the church. The length of the stone is about 60 centimeters and its thickness is 15 centimeters, in the Church of the Virgin Mary in “Sakha” The place was named “Bikha Assos” and Bikha means foot, and Assos means Jesus. Christ, that is, the foot of Christ.

Christ’s footprint on a stone – Virgin Mary Church Sakha Kafr El Sheikh

The Journey of the Holy Family

A great place to visit where the Holy Family visited and Jesus printed his foot on a stone which is still in this Church till now. you can reach it easily with us. Now you can Book a trip with us to visit the places where the Holy Family crossed in Egypt. Among these places  the Holy Family came to the place now known as Sakha, a town 135 km. north of Cairo. In Sakha we visit the Church of the Holy Virgin. Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Sakha .

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