Hurghada Museum

Hurghada Museum | Egypt Tour Packages

Hagar Asal

Department of Civilization and History

  • 08 Feb, 2024

Hurghada Museum

Hurghada is a popular beach destination in Egypt, located along the Red Sea coast. It is well-known for its scuba diving opportunities. Hurghada Museum is the very first museum in the Red Sea Governorate. It is a unique museum that was made possible through a partnership between the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, the al-Bahr al-Ahmar Governorate, and the private sector. The construction of the museum was funded by the private sector, while the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities takes care of its management. The museum's security is handled by the Tourism and Antiquities Police, in collaboration with the National Security. Additionally, the income generated by the museum goes into the country's state treasury.

Book now your trip Hurghada is a popular beach destination in Egypt, located along the Red Sea coast. It is well-known for its scuba diving opportunities. Hurghada -Excursions/ Hurghada is a popular beach destination in Egypt, located along the Red Sea coast. It is well-known for its scuba diving opportunities. Hurghada -Excursions.php

What is special about Hurghada?

Hurghada is a popular beach destination in Egypt, located along the Red Sea coast. It is well-known for its scuba diving opportunities. Hurghada Museum is located on El-Nasr street in the Touristic Villages district of Hurghada is a popular beach destination in Egypt, located along the Red Sea coast. It is well-known for its scuba diving opportunities. Hurghada , Red Sea Governorate, Egypt. Dr. Khaled al Anani, the Former Minister of Antiquities, recently visited the museum to assess its progress. During the visit, Dr. Anani suggested some changes to the display cases to ensure that visitors can move around easily while still appreciating the beauty of the objects. He also recommended adding more objects to the displays and organizing daily cultural activities in the museum's recreational area.

Hurghada Museum Admission

Hurghada is a popular beach destination in Egypt, located along the Red Sea coast. It is well-known for its scuba diving opportunities. Hurghada Museum showcases 2000 artifacts that narrate the history of Egypt, spanning from the Ancient Egyptian, Greco-Roman, Jewish, Christian, Islamic, and Modern eras. These objects emphasize the museum's focus on presenting the concept of beauty in Egypt. Sculptures convey the unity of families and the structure of Egyptian civilization. The museum also features Tell El Amarna, also known as Amarna or Akhetaten, is an archaeological site in Egypt that holds great historical and cultural significance. Amarna Pottery and Musical exhibits, which explore different aspects of beauty. The centerpiece of the museum is the Merit Amun bust, followed by displays of household items, furniture, vessels, and pottery. Additionally, there are exhibits on hunting, fishing, and jewelry from various Egyptian eras. Greco-Roman sports sets and stories are also showcased. The neighboring collection focuses on funerary art, illustrating the journey of the soul and the beautification practices for mummies based on age groups and societal positions. The museum further displays art from the Greco-Roman, Coptic, Jewish, and Islamic eras. Visitors can also explore underwater artifacts from Saadan Island. The museum concludes its journey with the Khedive jewelry collection. Khaled Mahfouz highlighted the exclusivity of hosting Mohamad Ali's family jewelry, which was previously kept in the safes of the Central Bank of Egypt. This collection represents Egypt's modern history artifacts.

Hurghada Museum in Red Sea

The servant statue represents a man grinding grain. In ancient Egypt, bread was an essential food for both the living and the dead. Many servant statuettes found in tombs were involved in the bread-making process, including kneading dough and baking bread. However, grinding the grain was the first step in this process. This figurine symbolizes the importance of ensuring a constant supply of bread for the deceased in the afterlife.

Best hurghada museum in red sea

Statue of Meritamun
This statue, known as Meritamun, is a remarkable example of Egyptian art. Although her name is not mentioned, the titles and descriptions match those of another statue found in Akhmim, believed to be of the same princess. Meritamun is depicted wearing accessories that reflect the fashion and style of Dynasty 19. Her crown, called a "modius," is adorned with cobras and sun disks. She likely originally wore a tall headdress with ostrich plumes and a sun disk. A fillet with two cobras, one representing Upper Egypt and the other Lower Egypt, is worn around her forehead. Her wig, intricately carved, still retains traces of blue pigment. Meritamun's breasts are decorated with rosettes, and she wears two bracelets on her left arm. Her ears are exposed, revealing round gold earrings. She also wears a broad collar made of beads in the shape of the hieroglyph Nefer, meaning beautiful. In her hand, she holds a menat necklace, used for making rattling sounds during sacred rituals. The counterpoise of the necklace is in the shape of the goddess Hathor, associating Meritamun with the deity. Her titles include "Player of the sistrum of Mut and the Menat of Hathor."

Museums in Hurghada

The Canopic Jars of Isetemkheb were used during the mummification process to preserve specific organs of the deceased. These organs, including the liver, lungs, intestines, and stomach, were wrapped separately and placed in four jars. Over time, the design of these jars changed, and in the New Kingdom, they were topped with the heads of the Four Sons of Horus. These deities, represented as a baboon, jackal, falcon, and man, served as guardians for the organs. The set belonging to Isetemkheb, who was the Chief of the Musical Troupe of Amun-Re and the wife of the High Priest of Amun Pinudjem II, is particularly beautiful and still retains its vibrant colors. She was also the mother of King Psusennes II.

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