Tomb of Pennut

Penniut was an important official during the reign of the 20th Dynasty king Rameses VI (c. 1143–1136 BC). Although his tomb stands today here, in New Amada

Ziad khalifa

Department of Civilization and History

  • 02 Apr, 2024

Tomb of Pennut

The tomb of Pennut dates to the Twentieth Dynasty, and specifically to the reign of Ramses VI. It is now on the shore of Lake Nasser, on the site of the new Amada. Pennut was chief priest of the temple of Horus of Aniba (ancient Miam) where his wife was a singer.

1-Original Location: The tomb was located on the site of Aniba and excavated into the south side of a sandstone hill. It was reached by a short ramp that preceded a court. 

2-Present location: The construction of the Aswan High Dam in the early 60s, was accompanied by the creation of Lake Nasser which submerged Lower Nubia, the. As part of the major international campaign to rescue the Nubian monuments, the tomb of Pennut was saved because of its historical importance and the quality of its decorations. It was transported in 1964 from Aniba to the site of the new Amada and reconstructed near the temples of Amada and Derr. 

The Tomb of Pennut

About two miles distance from the river is an insulated hill, composed of sandstone, in which a small sepulchral chamber has been formed, with a sepulchral excavation in the center adjoining to it is a smaller chamber, in the bottom of which is a bust placed between two seats, destined probably for mummies. The sides of the principal chamber are covered with paintings, the colors of which are as well preserved as those in the tombs of the kings at Thebes, though they are not so well executed.

-The Entry:
Only the left side of the entrance has preserved its decoration. It shows Peanut and Takha (his Wife), facing the entrance, arms raised, worshiping the sun, a very classic Ramesside theme.

Pennut tomb

-The niche:
This opens in the centre of the north wall. The architrave over the entrance is preserved. One sees the solar boat in the centre and on each side, a baboon who greets the rising sun. In this comparative view the two side posts, which have completely disappeared, included on each side of a representation of Pennut in adoration, surmounted by an offering formula addressed to Re-Horakhty and Khepri on the left and, to the right, Atum, Nut, as well as Osiris, Isis, Horus, Anubis and Nephthys. The statues in the niche all represented three gods, not people. In the center is still recognizable a cow-headed goddess, Hathor of Aniba.

Tomb of Aniba

The chamber has scenes of Pennut offering to the gods, and others represent the funeral, and the final judgments. The scenes on the right hand (east) side depict life in this world, those on the left-hand side the life Beyond. There are two registers on all the walls. To the left of the entrance are Pennut and his wife in prayer. The chamber has scenes of Pennut offering to the gods, and others represent the funeral, and the final judgments.
Much of the decoration of the tomb has disappeared today.

How to reach this site ?

If you are making a visit to Amada during a Lake Nasser cruise, be sure that you take the time to pay a visit to the Tomb of Penout. It is the only extant tomb of its kind and provides a rare glimpse into the way Egyptian rulers honored their civil servants in the afterlife. It is a surprising lovely tomb and you don’t want to miss it.

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