Temple of Derr
Temple of Derr or el-Derr is a rock-cut Egyptian temple in Lower Nubia. It was built during the 19th Dynasty by Pharaoh Ramesses II.
Temple of Derr
Temple of Derr or el-Derr is a rock-cut Egyptian temple in Lower Nubia. It was built during the 19th Dynasty by Pharaoh Ramesses II. Temple of Derr
, temple cut into the rock was commissioned by the great 19th Dynasty king Rameses II. Its ancient Egyptian name was ‘The Temple of Rameses the Beloved of Amun in the Domain of Ra’. Essentially consisting of two pillared halls and terminating in a sanctuary, it has several interesting similarities with the most famous of Rameses II’s rock-cut temples, the Great Temple of Abu Simbel. Here too in the temple of al-Derr, the figures of the same four gods can be seen in the sanctuary, cut into the rock: Ptah, Ra-Horakhty, the deified Rameses II, and Amun-Ra. This Temple is located 208 KM south of Aswan, it was moved to a new location close to Amada temple.
Like other Nubian temples, some of the temple's decorations were lost due to its use as a church by early Christians.

The Temple of Derr
- Relocated:
The Temple of Derr or el-Derr is a rock-cut Egyptian temple in Lower Nubia. It was built during the 19th Dynasty by Pharaoh Ramesses II. Temple of Derr , like many others in Nubia, was dismantled in 1964 CE in order to save it from the waters of Lake Nasser. It was moved to a new location close to that of the temple of Amada from its original site on the Nile's east bank a few miles to the south.

El-Derr Temple
The temple hewn out of the hill and consists of the first and second hypostyle hall in addition to that inner sanctuary and chambers of the side. The temple carved into poor sandstone that first hypostyle badly destroyed but pillars base only left.

Al-Derr Temple
- First Pillared Hall:
This hall measures some 14 meters in length and 12 meters in width. At one time this hall had a roof, supported on twelve columns, of which only the basis remains. The Osiris statues that adorned the inner most line of columns in the first hall and the group of seated divinities in the sanctuary, have been hacked away. The walls of this hall covered scenes of King Ramesses II's wars against the Nubians. Although some scenes in the first pillared hall depict some of Rameses II’s military campaigns, most of the temple’s wall decoration shows him in the company of the gods, performing temple rituals.

The Temple of Derr Fact
- Second Pillared Hall:
The second hypostyle hall has six square columns. The second hall is distinguished by its religious scenes, such as scenes of rituals and sacrifices. The most important scene on the eastern wall of the hall is King Ramesses II standing with Thoth, Ptah, and Sekhmet under the sacred tree that symbolizes eternal life. This hall leads to the sanctuary.

el-Derr Temple, Nubia
- sanctuary:
The sanctuary, which includes four statues leaning on the back wall, representing Ra, Hor-Akhty, King Ramesses II, Amun-Ra, and Ptah. On either side of the sanctuary, there are two rooms used to store tools used in rituals. There are scenes in this room of the offering, the king in front of the holy boat, the burning of incense, and other scenes.

Temple of Derr in new Amada
- Decoration:
A scene on the eastern wall of the second hypostyle hall shows King Ramesses II standing with Thoth, Ptah, and Sekhmet under the sacred tree that symbolizes eternal life. It is one of the most important scenes of the temple.
The scene of the goddess Mut placing her hand on King Ramesses II, wearing the red crown. This scene is found on one of the columns of the second hall.
The scene of the god Atum giving King Ramesses II (the ankh), the symbol of life, There is Horus, son of Isis, behind the king.

How to reach this site ?
Temple of Derr or el-Derr is a rock-cut Egyptian temple in Lower Nubia. It was built during the 19th Dynasty by Pharaoh Ramesses II. Temple of Derr
is a popular tourist destination and is open to the public for visits. The temple is located about 252 kilometers south of Aswan, and the best way to reach it is by: ( Boat - Car ) And you will see on the cruise on lake Aswan, it contains beautiful carvings, some still colored. A visit to the
Temple of Derr or el-Derr is a rock-cut Egyptian temple in Lower Nubia. It was built during the 19th Dynasty by Pharaoh Ramesses II. Temple of Derr
is a great opportunity to learn about ancient Egyptian religion, history, and culture. The temple's well-preserved reliefs and inscriptions provide a fascinating glimpse into the world of the ancient Egyptians.
You can make all of these during the cruise of Lake Nasser.

El-Derr Temple Entrance Fees
- How much is entry to El-Derr Temple ?
-For Egyption\Arab:
Adult: EGP 10
Student: EGP 5
-For Other Nationalty:
Adult: EGP 70
Student: EGP 35
- Opening Hours ?
-All Days: Working Hours: from 07:00 am to 04:00 pm
- Free entry Policy
-Free entry for children below 6 years.
-Free entry for Egyptians & Arabs with special needs.
-Free entry for Egyptians and Arabs above 60 years.
-Photography with mobile phone is free of charge.

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