Cleopatra Spring

Cleopatra Spring | Siwa Oasis, Egypt Tour Packages

Ziad khalifa

Department of Civilization and History

  • 01 Jan, 2024

Cleopatra Spring

Cleopatra's Spring is located in the Siwa Oasis in Egypt, surrounded by palm groves and sand dunes. This enchanting spring, believed to possess the secrets of beauty and legend, has fascinated people for ages. It is fed by natural hot springs, creating a mesmerizing crystal-clear pool.

Despite historical evidence of Cleopatra's visit to Siwa, the legend of her bathing in the spring remains captivating. According to stories, the queen enjoyed the mineral-rich waters, believed to enhance her beauty. This tale attracts visitors eager to experience Cleopatra's legendary charm.

Cleopatra's bath

Its constant 29°C water provides a refreshing escape from the desert heat, while the bubbling surface adds a playful charm. Locals and tourists alike gather around the stone pool, soaking in the warmth and serenity of the oasis.

Entering Cleopatra's Spring offers a glimpse into Siwa's rich cultural heritage. Local women, particularly those getting ready for weddings, bathe in the spring to enhance their beauty and seek blessings for their future. Witnessing this custom provides insight into the deep beliefs and traditions of the Siwa community.

Cleopatra's Pool

don't miss the chance to immerse yourself in the magic of Cleopatra's Spring. Whether you seek a serene escape, a touch of legendary charm, or a glimpse into local culture, this desert oasis promises an unforgettable experience.

Don't Miss This Interesting Experience And Book With Us Your Trip To Visit  Perfect for relaxing with a fresh fruit juice and watching locals and tourists swim and dive. The water is clean and the algae well maintained. Cleopatra Spring .

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