The Church of the Virgin Mary in Mostorod

The Holy Family in Mostorod | Egypt Tour Packages

Ziad khalifa

Department of Civilization and History

  • 04 Apr, 2024

The Church of the Virgin Mary in Mostorod

The Church of the Virgin Mary in Mostorod in Qalyubia Governorate is considered the most important church, The Holy Family entered Egypt from the east, and they continued to flee the military inside the country until they reached the spot that is now called “Mostorod”, about 10 km from Cairo, and Christians flock from everywhere to seek the special blessing that this church enjoys, which comes from its rich history and the Holy Family’s journey there. This church was founded approximately in the twelfth century AD, as it is one of the stations of the Holy Family in Egypt, where they descended from the Qalyubia, and it is famous for the Church (Al-Mahma). This name was taken by the church after the Virgin Mary washed the child Jesus Christ and his clothes in the existing archaeological well.

Virgin Mary Church in Mostorod

The main building of the church is of Byzantine style with domes and features thick walls. It consists of the nave, which includes the three altars, the cave and the well. The courtyard is rectangular, the lower part is old, and was renovated by “Sonsil Sons” in the twelfth century AD. And restoration was done several times later.

The Holy Family in Mostorod

The Holy Well:
Inside the cave, there is a small well, which is the well from which the Virgin and her child used to drink. Surrounding the well are a number of taps to fill the well’s water, which the church allocated for them to fill bags of water from the well from which the Virgin drank and offered it to worshipers and visitors to receive blessings from it. This blessed well was discovered by Pope Gabriel I in 1481. It was a Jewish temple. While the Holy Family was in Egypt, it settled for three days and they used this well throughout their stay. This is the well that the Virgin Mary used to wash the child Jesus Christ and his clothes, and they drank from it.

The Holy Well is located to the left of the entrance to the church from its northern gate and adjacent to the cave.

The Holy Family

Inside the Mostorod Church and in front of the nave of the church, there is the ancient cave in which the Virgin Mary and her infant Christ took shelter. In it there is a large icon of the image of the Virgin Mary carrying her child Christ, where visitors are keen to stand in front of their image, pray, and light candles, to pray for the fulfillment of wishes.

The Journey of the Holy Family in Egypt

Very holy church in Egypt where the Holy family passed upon it when they escaped to Egypt, it is near Cairo, and you can reach it easily. Now you can book a trip with us to visit the places where the Holy Family crossed in Egypt. Among these places  Very holy church in Egypt where the Holy family passed upon it when they escaped to Egypt, it is near Cairo, and you can reach it easily. Virgin Mary Church in Mostorod .

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