The Holy Family Church in Matareya

Catholic Church of the Holy Family (Mary's Tree) Holy Family in Egypt

Ziad khalifa

Department of Civilization and History

  • 21 Jan, 2024

Mary's tree

In the past, Matareya was called Heliopolis. During their journey in Egypt, the Holy Family found shelter under a tree in Matareya, which is now known as the Tree of the Virgin Mary. This tree has become a significant landmark along their path in Egypt. Over the past decades, the Tree of Mary has become famous as a cultural and religious shrine for many pilgrims and visitors from different parts of the world. The shrine includes a tree, a well, and a cave, in addition to a number of icons in the outer courtyard.

The current tree in the shrine is not the original tree. The original tree weakened until it fell in 1656 AD, while a group of Franciscans collected its branches and planted them, and the tree grew and branched again.

The Virgin Mary's tree, El-Matareya, Cairo Governorate

Catholic Church of the Holy Family

The Church of the Virgin Mary was its original name. It was constructed in 1885 but later destroyed. Father Michel Julian, a Jesuit, obtained it once more. He purchased the Balsam Garden, which covered an area of 7.5 acres, and constructed the church. He also gathered all the ancient artifacts that narrate the Holy Family's journey and placed them in the church. The present church was built anew in 1902 and remains standing today.

One of the church's most notable ancient artifacts is Michel Julian's gift to Egypt. It consists of 6 unique paintings known as Fresca paintings, depicting the Holy Family's journey from Bethlehem to Upper Egypt during the time of the massacre. These paintings were created by a renowned French artist in Lyon, France, and Father Michel Julian brought them to Egypt. He placed the sole copy of these paintings on the church wall.

Holy Family in Matareya

Next to the sacred tree “Mary's tree” there is a well dating back to the Roman era, in front of which the Holy Family stood and drank from it. The Virgin Mary washed Christ’s clothes with water and poured water on the ground next to the tree and the well, and an aromatic plant with a pleasant smell, called “Balsam plant” grew in it.

Church of the Holy Family

The statue of Jesus Christ located inside the church, which represents the Holy Family consisting of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, and Joseph the Carpenter. Jesus Christ was 5 years old at the time. This statue is more than 800 years old and was made by an Italian artist in Egypt. It was discovered by the church’s shepherd and it weighed approximately 9 tons.

It was copied. Another statue, 30 years old, was made by church youth at the entrance to the church and was supported with iron.

The Journey of the Holy Family

The The ancient Egyptian city of Ain Shams is where the Holy Family began their journey to the present-day city of Battery, which is now known as El-Matareya. Holy Family Church in Matareya is a beautiful ancient church that contains six murals representing the journey of the Holy Family from the first Bethlehem massacre until going to Upper Egypt. Visiting this church is a very interesting experience, seeing amazing wall frescoes with their old vivid colors and learn about the rich Coptic heritage, highly recommended.

Now you can Book a trip with us to visit the places where the Holy Family crossed in Egypt.

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