Ras Mohamed Nature Reserve

Ras Mohammed National Park | All You Need to Know | Egypt Tour Package

Hagar Asal

Department of Civilization and History

  • 18 Jan, 2024

Is Ras Mohammed worth visiting?

The Ras Mohammed Park holds a significant secret that should be known. It was named the Ras Mohammed National Park due to its unique triangular shape, with its base formed by the South Sinai mountains. Some also believe that it got its name because of its diverse landscape, which includes the sea, mountains, and desert, resembling a man with a beard.

How far is it from Sharm El Sheikh to Ras Mohammed?

Ras Mohammed National Park is renowned as Egypt's most famous national park and one of the world's top dive sites. Situated at the convergence of the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba , it can be found at the southern tip of Sinai, approximately 20 km south of Sharm El Sheikh. This desert park encompasses two islands, Tiran and Sanafir, which are known for their stunning natural beauty and tranquil seas.The main hub of entertainment and leisure can be found on Tiran and Sanafir, offering visitors a unique and rejuvenating holiday experience.

What animals are in Ras Mohammed?

Ras Mohamed National Park, established in 1983, is a one-of-a-kind park with a special ecosystem that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Situated on the southern peninsula of Sinai, on the Red Sea Riviera, the park occupies a cape at the southernmost point. Spanning 460 square kilometers, with 133 square kilometers on land, only a small portion, about 12 percent, is accessible to visitors. The park's waters are home to magnificent coral reefs, boasting around 150 different coral species. They have ideal conditions for growth because strong ocean currents bring in large amounts of plankton that they eat. There are more than a thousand types of fish, including small and colorful ones like in cartoons, as well as large sharks and tuna. Additionally, there are around 40 types of starfish, 100 types of sea urchins, 25 types of mollusks, and approximately 150 types of crustaceans. You can also encounter sea turtles and dolphins. On land and in the air, the fauna is not as diverse due to the high temperature and rocky-sand terrain. The animals and birds mainly consist of foxes, lizards, eagles, falcons, and hawks.

What is there to do in Ras Mohammed?

What can be found inside Ras Mohammed Park?

1. Ras Mohammed Park is filled with diverse landscapes including arid desert terrain with sand dunes, mangrove lakes, gravel plains, desert bays, fossil corals, and granite mountains. It is also home to various animal and bird species such as Dorcas gazelles, Nubian ibexes, red foxes, terns, herons, seagulls, and ospreys.
2. Inside Ras Mohammed Park, you will discover a fascinating underwater ecosystem teeming with life. It boasts around two hundred species of corals, a thousand species of fish, forty-five species of starfish, winds of hedgehogs, approximately one hundred mollusks, two hundred crustaceans, and two species of turtles - the green turtle and the hawk-beak turtle.
3. Ras Mohammed National Park is renowned worldwide for its breathtaking coral reef,considered one of the most stunning in the world. Within the Marine Park,there are numerous dive sites that offer spectacular experiences, including Shark, Ras Ghazolani, Jackfish Alley, Za’atar, and Yolanda.

Why should l visit ras Mohamed?

Make sure to visit Magic Bay, which is as salty as the Dead Sea. It is believed that the salt and mud in the bay have medicinal properties, and you can buy corresponding souvenirs in the reserve. If you manage to fully immerse yourself in the water, including your head, it is said that your wishes may come true (although the stubborn salt may push you back). Unfortunately, you can't capture the magic of this place from a satellite image. There are plenty of attractions to explore, so make sure you have enough time to look around. If you're lucky, you might even spot some of the animals and birds that call this reserve their home.

What is the natural significance of Ras Mohammed?

Snorkeling is not allowed in certain areas of Ras Mohammed National Park because of the powerful underwater currents. It is advisable to heed the advice of local dive experts. The coral reefs in the park are truly breathtaking. They resemble towering mountains underwater, featuring a wide plateau and steep cliffs that seem to stretch into the unknown. To avoid accidental cuts, it is advisable to wear shoes while descending. To witness a variety of fish living among the corals, it is recommended to dive in the afternoon when the number of tourists decreases. You can rent equipment here in the reserve or order a set when purchasing a tour. First-time divers will receive a special certificate afterwards. Everyone who has explored the underwater wonders of Ras Mohammed National Park will witness a truly fantastic and unique spectacle.

What are in Ras Mohammed?

Useful Tips for Ras Mohammed Nature Reserve

1. The Ras Mohammed national park charges for entrance and access to its territory. At the tourist center near the main road, you can purchase an English guidebook for the reserve.

2. Within the park, there is a specific area where you can find tourist facilities, restaurants, and shops. Additionally, park rangers are present to provide information and ensure compliance with the rules.

3. Visitors should be aware that littering, collecting organisms, touching corals, feeding animals, and fishing outside designated areas are strictly prohibited in the park. It is also not allowed to enter restricted zones or dive and anchor outside designated spots.

Ras Mohammed National Park

How to get to Ras Mohammed Park?
To reach Ras Mohammed Park, you cannot rely on public transport as it is only 25 km away from Sharm el-Sheikh. If you prefer a private trip, your options are to hire a taxi or rent a car. The journey will approximately take 30 minutes. When taking a taxi, make sure to specify the time you want to be picked up for your return to the hotel. If you plan to spend the night in Ras Mohammed, renting a car will be a great option. The reserve has a camping area where you can stay and enjoy the corals. Don't forget to bring a professional camera to capture the rare animals that make this park truly unique. If you love nature and enjoy diving, spending your holiday by the sea, then Ras Mohammed Park is the perfect destination for you. To reach there easily and conveniently, consider taking an excursion organized by a tour operator. This way, you can explore Allah's Gate, a mangrove grove, a tectonic rift, and other fascinating spots along the way. 
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