Virgin Mary Monastery in Drunka

Virgin Mary monastery Drunka Asyut | Egypt Tour Packages

Ziad khalifa

Department of Civilization and History

  • 04 Apr, 2024

Virgin Mary Monastery in Drunka

The Drunka Monastery of the Virgin is a significant tourist spot in Egypt. It attracts both foreign and Egyptian visitors who want to explore the final destination of the Holy Family's journey. This ancient monastery is situated at the base of a mountain, approximately 8 km southwest of Assiut on Al-Ghanayem Road. Additionally, a beautiful church has been constructed at the exact location where the Holy Family stayed in a cave.

The monastery started operating when Christianity became popular in Egypt. The initial Christians sought refuge there to avoid the rulers' oppression.

The monastery consists of several churches, with the Cave Church being the oldest. It was built at the end of the first century AD.

The Virgin Mary

The statue of the Virgin Mary in Drunka Monastery is the tallest bronze statue in Egypt.

Monastery of the Virgin Coptic catholic

Huge celebrations are held in the monastery in which thousands of Muslims and Copts participate during the period of fasting of the Virgin Mary from August 7 to 22 of each year. The celebrations reach their climax on the closing night of the holiday, when worshipers stay up until the early morning chanting praises and glorifications of the Virgin Mary to the sounds of drums, tambourines and gongs.

Virgin Mary monastery Drunka Asyut

  • Return Trip back to Palestine through Asiut:
    After Herod the King passed away, an angel from the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. The angel instructed Joseph to wake up, take the boy and his mother, and go to Palestine. This was because those who were searching for the boy had died. Joseph obeyed the angel's message, and he brought the boy and his mother back to Palestine.

Holy Family in Egypt

The Monastery of the Virgin Mary in the Western Mountain in the city of Assiut is considered one of the most important holy places for Christians in Egypt. Virgin Mary Monastery in Drunka , One of the most beautiful places you feel the virgin's blessing in it, Visiting this church is a very interesting experience, highly recommended.

Now You Can Book A Trip With Us To Visit The Places Where The Holy Family Crossed In Egypt.

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