Sehel island

Sehel Island is located in the Nile, about 2 miles southwest of Aswan in southern Egypt. It is a large island.

Ziad khalifa

Department of Civilization and History

  • 02 Apr, 2024

Sehel island

Sehel Island is located in the Nile, about 3.2 km southwest of Aswan in southern Egypt. Sehel Island is one of the largest islands on the Nile, located upstream from the First Cataract in Aswan region.

The island was known in ancient egypt as Setet, and there are many archaeological sites, including sacred places, such as the temple of Anuket, the Egyptian water goddess, and goddess of the Nile's cataracts. 

Sehel was home to a stone quarry for granite used during various Ancient Egyptian eras, and there are many inscriptions in the island's granite boulders. These inscriptions were usually left by Travellers marking either the start or end of their journey to Nubia. There are several famous inscriptions that record ancient historical events. One is the Famine Stela, which is of Greco-Roman origin, but claims to record events from the time of Djoser and Imhotep.

Continual use of this island can be seen from its oldest inscriptions dating to the Middle Kingdom (2034–1650 BC), through until the Graeco-Roman Period when the famous “Famine Stela” was carved in to the natural granite rock. One inscription from the time of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III (1479–1425 BC) records that the Overseer of Construction Works managed the feat of extracting six obelisks from the granite quarries of Aswan.

Famine Stela

The fascinating text of this stela carved on the face of a granite boulder on Sehel Island tells the story of a nation in crisis, its concerned king, and his efforts to find a solution. Although it was composed and carved in the Ptolemaic Period the events are set around 2500 years earlier.

The Famine Stela is inscribed in 32 vertical rows of hieroglyphic script, with a scene above it depicting King Djoser (2686–2667 BC) presenting offerings to the divine triad of Elephantine consisting of the god Khnum, his wife Satet and their daughter Anuket. The country is gripped in seven years of drought and famine and King Djoser summons his famous courtier, the wise Imhotep to find a solution. Imhotep told the king that the inundation came from the sacred spring in The island of Elephantine is one of major Aswan attractions floating on the Nile. The island in 12000 meters situated in the center of the Nile. Elephantine Island , whose god Khnum was the one who controlled the flow of water. Djoser dutifully made offerings to the gods of Elephantine and Khnum appeared to him in a dream one night, promising him to end the famine by returning the flood. To celebrate the return of prosperity, Djoser built a temple on Elephantine to thank Khnum.

Rock Inscriptions of Sehel Island

The hills have over 250 inscriptions, dating from the Middle Kingdom until Ptolemaic times (2061-305 BC), mostly recording expeditions beyond the First Cataract or prayers of gratitude for their safe return. In the Ancient Times, travellers on their way to Nubia or those returning from an expedition to the South, would make a pilgrimage to the Sacred Island of Sehel and leave inscriptions recording their 

Several of them record events and journeys into Nubia by officials on the king’s business. These inscriptions were carved on piles of mixed granite rocks scattered on the island. The most important inscription located atop the eastern hill is a Ptolemaic Famine Stele dating back to the reign of Djoser (2687-2668 BC) and relates how Djoser ended a seven-year famine during the 3rd Dynasty by honouring Khnum, the God of the Cataract.

Seheil Island

The trip by boat to Sehel Island makes a pleasant morning or afternoon excursion. The island people are friendly and hospitable offering cups of tea in their Nubian homes. and you can visit Nubian village, learn about local crafts, savor a traditional meal, enjoy the natural beauty, and take in the magnificent views.

Book with us now your trip to Sehel Island and the Nubian village And get this unique experience with our private guide.

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