Virgin Mary and Martyr Abanub Church

Virgin Mary and Martyr Abanub Church| Holy Family| Egypt Tour Packages

Ziad khalifa

Department of Civilization and History

  • 04 Apr, 2024

Virgin Mary and Martyr Abanub Church

The city of Samanoud in Gharbia Governorate is the fifth stop on the Holy Family’s itinerary, as they stayed there for about 17 days, after they fled from Palestine, after the angel came to the Virgin Mary, saying to her, “Arise and take the boy and take him to Egypt.” Because Herod will kill him. When they arrived in Samannoud, its people received them well. Christ blessed them, and they sat there for 17 days, until the Holy Family traveled northwest to the Burullus region until they reached the city of “Sakha-Khast-Bikha Issus,” currently in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate.

The Holy Family entered Samannoud by boat after they crossed the Nile River, and that Jesus Christ, before crossing the Nile River, resurrected a dead person in Samannoud, and that this miracle spread widely, which aroused their astonishment and they all came out to receive them, with a standing ovation.

The church is located on the eastern side of the city of Samanoud on Saad Zaghloul Street. To the left of the outer courtyard there is a library for the church. There is also a staircase in the middle of the church that leads to the second floor reserved for women. As for the baptistery, it is located on the southeast side of the church. The layout of the church from the inside is in the Byzantine style and is based on... Three long corridors supported by three marble columns, and there are three temples on the eastern side. In front of them is a wooden veil overlooking the church from the inside. It is decorated with the cross and inlaid with ivory, and topped with a row of icons that includes twenty priests, with the icon of Jesus Christ and the Last Supper in the middle.

Blessed Virgin Mary Church and martyr Abanoub Samanod

The ladies of the city of Samannoud presented the Virgin Mary with a large granite dish, used for dough, known as the Almajoor. 

The majoor is a large granite stone that was kneaded by the Virgin Mary while she was in Samanoud.

Virgin Mary and St. Abanoub church in Samanoud

There is also a water well at a depth of 12.5 meters from the ground, which Christ himself blessed, and some of the tools they used in that period.

The Journey of the Holy Family

Very holy church in Egypt where the Holy family passed upon it when they escaped to Egypt, you can reach it easily with us. Now you can Book a trip with us to visit the places where the Holy Family crossed in Egypt. Among these places The Holy Family stayed in Samannoud for 17 days during their escape from the Romans to Egypt. Virgin Mary and Martyr Abanub Church  in Samanoud

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