Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount bird

Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount bird | Holy Family in Egypt

Ziad khalifa

Department of Civilization and History

  • 03 Apr, 2024

Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount bird

The Deir Gabal Al-Tayr Church, also known as the Virgin Mary Church, holds great significance as one of the important stops during the Holy Family's journey to Egypt. Situated atop a mountain on the eastern side of the Nile River in Samalout, Minya Governorate, this monastery is a sacred place. 

The church was originally a Roman temple with an entrance from the east, as stated by architectural historian Robert Curzon in his book "Visits to the Monasteries." In 2016, the staircase leading to the Roman temple was discovered in the mountain. The Holy Family came across this abandoned place and climbed the stairs, where they stayed for 3 days. In the fourth century, Queen Helena, Emperor Constantine's mother, converted the temple into a church in 328 AD. Her team preserved the rocky walls and columns and incorporated additional elements to make it suitable for religious rituals.


-Who is Helena?
Flavia Julia Helena also known as Helena of Constantinople and in Christianity as Saint Helena, was an Augusta of the Roman Empire and mother of Emperor Constantine the Great. She was born in the lower classes traditionally in the Greek city of Drepanon, Bithynia, in Asia Minor, which was renamed Helenopolis in her honor. 

Icon of Saints Constantine and Helena.

Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The church has a basilican layout, with a central nave and 12 pillars carved in the rocks. It also has two aisles on the north and south sides, a western corridor, and a transverse corridor known as the khorus.

Virgin Mary Church - Gabal El Tair

The Holy Family departed from Bahnassa and journeyed south until they arrived at the town of Samalut in Minya Governorate. They then crossed the Nile River to the east, reaching the Conopolis area near the Virgin Mary Monastery in Gabal Al-Tayr. This area is located about 3 km south of the Bani Khaled Ferry. The family found shelter in a cave and stayed there for three days. Afterward, they boarded a boat from the Gabal al-Tayr area and crossed the Nile River to the Ashmunayn area on the other bank.

Gabal Al Tayr

Gabal al-Tayr gets its name from tayr “bird” from the vast number of birds living and nesting there. It is also known as Gabal al-Kaff “Mountain of the Palm (of the hand)” and Deir al-Bakara “The Monastery of the Pulley”.

There is a famous story about this place involving an unjust witch who met her demise when the Holy Family arrived. The witch would demand money from passing ships and boats, sinking them if they refused to pay. However, when the Child Jesus and the Virgin Mary arrived, the witch sought revenge. She used her magic to drop a rock on them, but the Child Jesus's blessing broke her spell. He pointed at the rock, freezing it in place with his palm imprint. The witch then fell from the mountain with her books, magic, and iron chains, resulting in her death.

Gabal al-Tayr is one of the more important pilgrimage destinations. The Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin is celebrated here on the 22nd of August, when people from all around Egypt flock to attend the church during the festival.

The view from the top of Jabal al-Tayr's Christian complex.

The Journey of the Holy Family

Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount bird, an ancient church where the holy family stayed in while their trip to Egypt Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount bird It is a small monastery at the mountain of birds or Gabal El-Tair in Minya city in Egypt. It is one of the most important places where the holy family of Jesus has been. Visiting this church is a very interesting experience, highly recommended.

Now You Can Book A Trip With Us To Visit The Places Where The Holy Family Crossed In Egypt.

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