Pyramid of Teti

Pyramid Complex of Teti | Egypt Tour Packages

Ziad khalifa

Department of Civilization and History

  • 27 Jan, 2024

Biography of Teti

Teti (2345–2323 BC), also known as (Othoes), was the first king of the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt. He was buried at Saqqara. The exact length of his reign has been destroyed on the Turin King List but is believed to have been about 12 years. Teti's relationship with his predecessor, Unas, is uncertain. Some scholars believe that Teti was Unas's son, while others believe that there was a brief period of political instability between the two reigns. Teti's Horus-name, "Horus, who appeases Tawi", suggests that he may have ended this instability when he came to power.Teti's death is shrouded in mystery. According to the ancient Egyptian historian Manetho, Teti was murdered by his bodyguards. However, there is no archaeological evidence to support this claim. It is also possible that Teti died of natural causes.

Pyramid of Teti complex

The pyramid is a smooth-sided pyramid that originally measured 78.5 meters on a side and rose to a height of 52.5 meters. However, the pyramid has since been eroded and now resembles a small hill. The pyramid was built with a core of limestone blocks and debris fill, and was originally encased in fine limestone. The casing blocks were removed in antiquity, which caused the core to collapse.The mortuary temple is located on the east side of the pyramid. It was built of limestone and was decorated with reliefs and paintings. The temple was divided into several chambers, including a sanctuary, a pillared hall, and a storage hall. The temple was connected to the pyramid by a causeway.

The contents of the Pyramid of Teti

The contents of the The Teti pyramid is a pyramid with smooth sides located in the pyramid field at Saqqara, Egypt. It is the second pyramid known to have pyramid texts. Pyramid of Teti can be divided into two categories: the substructure and the superstructure. The substructure is the underground part of the pyramid, and it includes the burial chamber, the antechamber, and the passageways. The superstructure is the aboveground part of the pyramid, and it includes the pyramid itself, the mortuary temple, and the causeway. The substructure of the The Teti pyramid is a pyramid with smooth sides located in the pyramid field at Saqqara, Egypt. It is the second pyramid known to have pyramid texts. Pyramid of Teti is relatively well-preserved, and it contains a number of important features. The burial chamber is located at the center of the pyramid, and it is where Teti's body was laid to rest. The burial chamber is decorated with Pyramid Texts, which are a collection of spells and hymns that were intended to help the king in his journey to the afterlife. The antechamber is a smaller chamber that is located in front of the burial chamber. It is also decorated with Pyramid Texts, and it may have been used for storing funerary equipment. The passageways are a series of tunnels that connect the burial chamber to the outside of the pyramid. They are also decorated with Pyramid Texts, and they were designed to protect the king's body from robbers.

pyramid of Teti inside


The cost of the ticket to entrance of Teti pyramid


Adult: EGP 30
Student: EGP 10

Other Nationality:

Adult: EGP 300
Student: EGP 150

Opening hours:
from 8 am to 5 pm




Inside pyramid of Teti

What's inside the The Teti pyramid is a pyramid with smooth sides located in the pyramid field at Saqqara, Egypt. It is the second pyramid known to have pyramid texts. Pyramid of Teti ?

In the interior you can see portions of the hieroglyphic spells of the Pyramid Texts up close, as well as a shower of stars. Within the intact burial chamber, Teti's basalt sarcophagus is well preserved, and represents the first example of a sarcophagus with inscriptions

Stars on the ceiling of the burial chamber of the Pyramid of Teti

A truss-shaped ceiling in the king’s burial chamber comes from his pyramid in Saqqara, bearing inscriptions in the form of stars of extreme beauty and creativity.

overview of the pyramid from the outside

A look at the Pyramid of King Teti from the outside in Saqqara.

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