Sharm El Sheikh Museum

Sharm El Sheikh Museum | Egypt Tour Packages

Hagar Asal

Department of Civilization and History

  • 01 Feb, 2024

Sharm El Sheikh Museum

Sharm el-Sheikh,an Egyptian resort town,lies amidst the Sinai Peninsula's desert and the Red Sea This destination is famous for its protected sandy beaches Sharm El-Sheikh Museum is known as the initial museum of Egyptian artifacts in the city of Sharm el-Sheikh,an Egyptian resort town,lies amidst the Sinai Peninsula's desert and the Red Sea This destination is famous for its protected sandy beaches Sharm El-Sheikh , which is renowned for its beach tourism. Its purpose is to serve as a hub for cultural and civilizational enlightenment, as well as a platform for showcasing human civilizations. Additionally, it aims to enhance the city's flourishing tourism industry by integrating recreational and cultural tourism, aligning with the Ministry's strategic plan.

King Tut Museum.

Sharm El Sheikh offers a chance for visitors and tourists to appreciate the beautiful beaches, engaging sea and land activities, while also exploring the ancient Egyptian civilization. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi inaugurated The Sharm El-Sheikh Museum is known as the initial museum of Egyptian artifacts in the city of Sharm El-Sheikh, which is renowned for its beach tourism. Sharm El Sheikh Museum  on November 31, 2020, as part of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities' efforts to combine beach tourism with cultural tourism.

sharm el sheikh museum photos

The museum was first conceived in 1999 and covers an expansive area of 191,000 square meters. Construction on the project commenced in 2003 but was halted in 2011. However, it was later resumed in 2018 at a total cost of 812 million pounds. The museum consists of three exhibition halls and also features an entertainment section with various restaurants, bazaars, traditional craft shops, an open theater, and spaces for hosting celebrations and events.

Admission to Sharm El-Sheikh Museum

Sharm el-Sheikh,an Egyptian resort town,lies amidst the Sinai Peninsula's desert and the Red Sea This destination is famous for its protected sandy beaches Sharm El-Sheikh Museum showcases the history and culture of ancient Egypt. It explores the civilization's growth and the relationship between the Egyptian people and their environment. The museum exhibits a collection of 5200 artifacts carefully chosen from different locations, including the Manial Palace, Kom Oshim, Saqqara, the Suez, Ismailia, Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria 's Greco-Roman museums, the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir, Luxor, Ashmounin in Minya, and more. These artifacts are displayed in different halls throughout the museum.

Sharm al-Sheikh Museum.

In Saqqara archaeological area, there were various ancient Egyptian artifacts found in 2019. These included a collection of " the Great Sphinx is one of the world's largest monuments. It is also one of the most recognizable relics of the ancient Egyptians. Sphinx " statues depicting a combination of human and animal bodies, as well as a statue of a man with his young daughter. Additionally, there were sacred animals like cats and scarabs of different sizes and shapes. The museum showcases several significant artifacts. One of them is a valuable mosaic from Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, has many reasons to be famous. Alexandria , dating back to the fourth century BC. Another important artifact is a statue of the god "Eros" hunting deer, placed at the museum's entrance. Inside the great hall, there is also a rare statue of the god "Bes" made of partially burned clay.

King Tut museum photos

The museum has a special exhibition featuring 10 artifacts from King Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun 's treasures. These artifacts will be displayed before they are shown at the Grand Egyptian Museum. The main attraction of the exhibition is a statue called The Ka, which is covered in black resin and has a mongoose on its head. This is the first time visitors to the city can see part of the young king's treasures. Additionally, the museum has prepared a special path for people with special needs.

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